From Ranger D. W. Schneff, 1st Ranger Bn Veteran
I am a veteran of the elite Ranger Regiment, my home was at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, GA. Our honor was from within, from the challenges that were presented to us in the daily Ranger lifestyle of continuous training to be the best at our jobs.
Now, take the Ranger's beret, that beret has to be earned within the Ranger Regiment and the Ranger Training Brigade. You earn the Ranger's beret by having proved your medle and intestinal fortitude of being able to continue the mission by not only completing Basic Airborne School and then volunteering for the Ranger Regiment and then having your mental awareness attacked during a very difficult transition of the ominous Ranger Indoctrination Process(RIP) to find out if you have the basic motivation and skills to become a "SCROLL BEARER" of the Ranger Regiment or a future member of the Ranger Training Brigade.
While the Ranger's beret does not make us better than any other member of the armed forces, it does, however, remind the others of our Distinction and Espirit De Corps. People look at US in awe because we have earned that Distinction through our time honored customs and accomplishments.
We have earned the right to wear that which was given to US as a constant reminder to all, that WE have earned the DISTINCTION and the right to continue to honor those Rangers who were not given that Distinction.
In closing, issuing the RANGERS BERET will not upgrade the general populace of the Army's performance! It will not raise the Espirit De Corps within the ranks of the regular Army! The RANGER'S BERET is just that! Our unit's motto is "SUA SPONTE" of our own accord. The beret is just one of the visual distinctions of our uniform that says just that about the distinctness of Our SPECIAL OPERATIONS MISSION profile. WE deserve that recognition.
Ranger D.W. Schneff
CO A 1st BN 75th RANGER REGIMENT 1986-1989